Disney+ Hotstar helped Myntra successfully garner 14% purchase intent in sale season

The coronavirus pandemic has adversely affected the global fashion industry. In India, too, every aspect of the fashion industry has seen unpleasant changes. However, some brands have also seen the pandemic as an opportunity to push themselves against all odds. Myntra is one such e-commerce fashion brand; it took the pandemic in its stride to achieve success. Here’s how:
Prepping for the End of Reason
Each year, Myntra holds one of India’s most talked-about sales on its platform: The End of Reason Sale (EORS). This year, the sentiment around the sale wasn’t as buoyant, what with consumers being at home for the most part and thereby not needing new apparel and fashion accessories. However, Myntra decided to move ahead with the 12th edition of the EORS over four days in June 2020, as planned.
As a part of its media strategy, the e-commerce brand decided to target its shopper base present on OTT, with Disney+ Hotstar’s help. The aim was clear: to build awareness and strong purchase intent among shoppers.
The sale begins on OTT
Disney+ Hotstar leveraged its extensive targeting capabilities, reaching out to six geographic and demographic-based online shopper cohorts. These were further narrowed down to shoppers of seven languages, who were targeted using over 30 creatives across:
- Video (20, 10 or 6-second assets)
- Display (Native frames)
- Impact properties (Billboards)
The first day of the sale kickstarted with entertainment billboards on impact properties for maximum reach and awareness.
For 10 days, Disney+ Hotstar targeted Myntra’s customers using 20-second video ads in multiple languages, featuring key celebrities and influencers. Disney+ Hotstar also introduced carousels in the video phase. This strategy helped the e-commerce platform maximise on CTRs and in diverting traffic to the app.
The EORS campaign impact
Myntra’s campaign saw a high share-of-voice impact delivery on Disney+ Hotstar over just 10 days. Further, it delivered over 100 million impressions with a reach of 15 million in 7 languages. As for its aim to garner high brand awareness and purchase intent, the brand saw an uplift of 4% and 14% for both, respectively, making the campaign an undisputed success.
The campaign’s high visibility resulted in a high uplift of 12% in the 30+ age group. It is important to note here, that this is twice the benchmark uplifts for non-essentials during COVID-19 campaigns.
Here’s what Achint Sethia, Vice President & Head of Marketing at Myntra has to say about their campaign on Disney+ Hotstar.